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New STEM Masters Programs

Anderson University provides affordable and easy access to innovative, I-17 approved and STEM-focused programs designed specifically for international students.

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Percussion Ensemble

This chamber percussion ensemble that generally consists of four to six students focuses on a different genre each year, such as novelty music (rag times), new music, or contemporary world

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Clamp Divinity School

The Clamp Divinity School is named in honor of the man whose gift made the school possible. Though he did not live to see the school established, those who have

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Music – Worship Leadership

The Bachelor of Music degree in Worship Leadership is designed for students who are called to full-time worship and music ministry. This program of study is focused on developing the

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The mission of the Psychology major at Anderson University is to provide students a foundational understanding of the science of psychology and its applications, in order to prepare them for

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Brass Ensembles

Brass Quintet The brass quintet at Anderson University is comprised of the standard instrumentation: two trumpets, french horn, trombone, and tuba. Directed by Chris Imhoff, this group meets at least

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AU Piano Ensemble

The AU Piano Ensemble is a group ranging from three to twelve students and performs a wide variety of classical, contemporary, and popular music including music from film and video

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Choral Ensembles

Anderson University’s choirs create musical experiences that challenge and nurture students, inspire audiences, and enhance the life of the community.A variety of music, from great choral masterworks to the best

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String Quartet

The String Quartet is one of the most prominent chamber ensembles in classical music, comprised of the standard instrumentation of two violinists, a violist, and a cellist. The classical music

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This chamber percussion ensemble that generally consists of four to six students focuses on a different genre each year, such as novelty music (rag times), new music, or contemporary world music. Past performances have included works by Bob Becker, Michael Burritt, Danny Clay, Eugene Novotney, Brian Nozny, David Skidmore, Steve Reich, Christopher Rouse, Nebojsa Zivkovic, and many more.

The group meets twice a week during the spring semester and has a diverse membership that ranges from percussion majors to students new to playing percussion. Usually in the first or second week of April, the AU Percussion Ensemble will play host to the annual “Night of Percussion” concert, featuring student performers and the West African Drum and Dance Ensemble.

Scholarships may be available based on the university’s needs and the student’s ability. For questions or information about joining this ensemble, contact Dr. David Perry