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A Day shoutout

A Day To Give

Countdown to A Day 2025


What is A Day?

Anderson Day (A Day) is a special fundraising campaign that supports student scholarships, campus programs and improvements at Anderson University. But at its heart, A Day is a celebration of the school we all love and an opportunity to turn our appreciation into action.

"In the Spring of each year, AU Trojans around the globe come together to support their A Day causes for which they are most passionate. We need your help this A Day, beginning now and culminating on April 3, 2025. As part of Anderson University’s family, we thank you for making a difference!"

Every gift impacts one of the following areas: academic achievement, athletic endeavors, campus enhancements, ministry opportunities, student scholarships or the senior class gift. We hope your life has been touched by at least one of these areas. We would love to see you give back and touch someone else’s life on A Day. No matter the amount, your gift makes a difference.

Johnna Shirley
Associate VP for Annual & Planned Giving
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A Day Causes

Making a difference in the lives of Anderson University students is just one click away. Show your support with the “Give Now” button, which provides a safe and secure method to invest in AU’s future. No matter which cause you choose to support, we’re so thankful for your commitment to bettering AU. 

Can’t find the right cause for you? Reach out to the Anderson University Office of Development and a representative will be happy to get you involved however you choose.

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Find your CAUSE

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Give Now to Support Your CAUSE

Making a difference in the lives of Anderson University students is just one click away. Show your support with the “Give Now” button, which provides a safe and secure method to invest in AU’s future. No matter which cause you choose to support, we’re so thankful for your commitment to bettering AU.

Can’t find the right cause for you? Reach out to the Anderson University Office of Development at and a representative will be happy to get you involved however you choose.

2024 A Day Results At a Glance

a day total gifts


a day gidts pledges


Gifts & Pledges

a day donors



a day gifts increase


Increase in Gifts