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New STEM Masters Programs

Anderson University provides affordable and easy access to innovative, I-17 approved and STEM-focused programs designed specifically for international students.

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It’s been 376 days since President Evans Whitaker formally established the Anderson University COVID-19 Task Force. (Not that anyone’s counting, right?)

Things escalated quickly! First, we extended spring break by a week. Shortly after that, we took the enormous step of moving to remote operations for the rest of the semester. And, really, things haven’t slowed down since. 

We hope you’ll find it encouraging that over the course of our last few meetings we’ve been looking for ways to ease some restrictions and lift the incredible burden you’ve had to bear for more than a year. In short, in the coming weeks, we hope to phase in new Journey Ahead protocols. Stay tuned.

That being said—and to be perfectly clear—we’re not there yet. We’ve not reached the light that’s so tantalizingly near the end of our yearlong tunnel. There are no substantive changes to Journey Ahead protocols. Masks or face coverings still are required. Six-foot physical distancing still is necessary. If you’re experiencing symptoms, you should stay off campus and call Thrive Wellness

Please understand: We are not unsympathetic to the stress you’re experiencing. Those of us on the COVID-19 Task Force are feeling it, too. It’s been a long, long year for all of us. But we need your help to finish strong. 

Thank you once again for your incredible cooperation and diligence. We’ve made it this far because of your willingness to sacrifice for the good of others. We are grateful for you. We’re proud of you. We love you. 

Ready for some great news? Then keep an eye out for our next update. We promise: You’re going to love it.