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AU News

Journey Ahead Update: Oh the Weather Outside is Delightful

March 10, 2021
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The Journey Ahead: Enjoy this amazing weather. But maintain all protocols!

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Ah, spring. Lazy afternoons on Alumni Lawn. Breaking out an Eno and dozing off amid the pines. Gentle breezes and blooming flowers and chirping birds. Jelly beans. Easter Sunday. 

For many of us–especially those without allergies–it’s the best time of the year. 

Not to rain on your parade (see what we did there?), but nice weather does carry a risk. Specifically, it could lead to an increase in COVID-19 on campus. 

Here’s the thing: enjoying the beautiful greenspaces on campus can’t take a backseat to following Journey Ahead protocols. Of particular importance right now is maintaining physical distancing, especially when we’re not wearing a mask or face covering outdoors. As spring arrives and we all start spending more time outdoors, we must be sure to stay six feet apart from others. 

This week marks one full year since the first meeting of the Anderson University COVID-19 Task Force. Life is much different than it was a year ago. Namely, we’re in a much better place as a campus community, and there is reason for our collective optimism. But there are some factors working against us right now. For example:

  • We’re all just tired. Of the restrictions we’ve had to manage. Of not seeing friends and loved ones up close. Of limiting travel. Frankly, of not living our lives to the fullest. Coronavirus fatigue leads to a “it won’t happen to me” mindset, which is a dangerous way of thinking. 
  • COVID-19 case numbers are in a great place. Again, we’re seeing lower levels of infection among members of our campus community (and across the country at large.) While that’s a wonderful thing, it could lead us to lower our guard by taking our health for granted. 
  • There’s light at the end of the tunnel. Again, it’s been over a year since COVID-19 became an unfortunate part of our lives, but it seems like we may have turned a corner. More and more people are being vaccinated. Public health efforts are working. On campus, Journey Ahead protocol adherence is making a difference. But, again, that could lead to less-than-great vigilance and a resurgence of illness. 

So, what can we do? The same things we’ve been doing. Wearing masks or face coverings while indoors. Practicing good hand hygiene. Staying off campus and notifying Thrive Wellness if we’re experiencing symptoms. Avoiding large crowds. And, of course, not allowing spring–and the wonderful weather it brings–to risk the health and safety of ourselves and each other. 


By all means, enjoy the outdoors. Bring a blanket out on the lawn. Take a hike over at Rocky River Nature Preserve. 


But while you’re at it, keep your distance from others. By taking these small steps we’re working stronger together to put an end to COVID-19 at Anderson University.



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