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Worship and Senior Banquet and Award

Each year the Teaching Fellows Director presents an award to a worthy senior.  For 2021, the Teaching Fellows Director’s Award was presented to Abby McNeely, cohort president, for her outstanding service to the Teaching Fellows program.

The Anderson University Teaching Fellows requested at the annual Leadership Planning Conference to conclude each year with a worship service in the G. Ross Anderson, Jr. Student Center Theatre.  This session is led by the junior Teaching Fellows with Ms. Ashley Stone and Rev. Chase Stone assisting.  All Teaching Fellows are encouraged to attend with their parents and families.  Because we begin our year worshipping together at a local church, the Teaching Fellows want to conclude our year with worship.

Immediately following the worship service, the senior Teaching Fellows join the Advisory Council members, AU administrators, and their parents for an awards banquet in the G. Ross Anderson, Jr. Banquet Halls. This is a special time for our seniors as they invite their parents to join them to celebrate their graduation and many achievements over the four years.  It’s a time for the Teaching Fellows to enjoy sitting with others and learning about their achievements in student teaching and “catching up” on next steps.  It’s also a time of reflection and recognition of academic accomplishments, the Director’s award, and Outstanding Academic Awards. A meaningful part of this program occurs when Advisory Council members place the Teaching Fellows graduation cords around the necks of all seniors. The Director, Senior President, and others participate in the program honoring seniors.