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New STEM Masters Programs

Anderson University provides affordable and easy access to innovative, I-17 approved and STEM-focused programs designed specifically for international students.

Learn more about these programs by exploring the links below.

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Music – Vocal Performance

Do you see yourself on stage, singing in your own classical or operatic recital or delighting the audience in a musical? Our Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance will perfect

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Kinesiology – Exercise Specialist

Essential Preparation Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement. It’s often used as an umbrella term to describe the interrelationship between the physiological processes and anatomy of the human

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Kinesiology – Athletic Training

Kinesiology with a Concentration in Athletic Training Kinesiology is the scientific study of human movement. It’s often used as an umbrella term to describe the study of the interrelationship between

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Consumer Information Disclosures

Consumer Information Disclosures A Summary of Consumer Information Disclosures The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA), includes many disclosures

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Join Me

  As we move into another record-breaking year of enrollment, we want to thank those of you who have supported our efforts this past year with your time, talents, and

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Fast Track BA+MDiv

If you’re considering full-time Christian ministry, you likely sense God’s call on your life and want to equip yourself academically for that calling. But you may also feel daunted by

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All international students are required to file taxes each year. International students who work on campus, and even those international students who have not worked in the United States, are

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Maintaining Academic Performance

International students who are in F-1 status must maintain satisfactory progress while attending Anderson University. Under F-1 regulations if you do not do so, your legal non-immigrant status can be

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Do you see yourself on stage, singing in your own classical or operatic recital or delighting the audience in a musical? Our Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance will perfect your pitch, hone your performance skills, and prepare you for advanced training in a graduate music program.

Students earning the Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance traditionally pursue professional, classical singing careers. Through voice study in private lessons, solo performances in recitals, participation in choral and vocal ensembles and Opera workshop, you will develop a solid vocal technique and gain confidence to become an authentic performer.

Voice Lessons, Vocal Diction, Vocal Pedagogy and More

Along with the foundational music classes of theory and history that all music majors take, the vocal performance major requires eight semesters in courses, including voice lessons, vocal diction, and music literature that allow singers to better interpret and communicate through song.

Additionally, vocal pedagogy courses help you to understand and care for your own voice as well as to teach others to sing.  Junior- and senior-year voice recitals are required as well as Opera Workshop, which give you valuable performing experience.

Each course teaches the student how to establish, develop and maintain the basic skills and abilities they need in order to become a competent, marketable professional.

More Individualized Attention in a Christian Setting

The South Carolina School of the Arts offers vocal performance students an ideal size and setting for vocal study. You’ll receive more individualized attention, more performance opportunities and the opportunity to grow your talents, skills and abilities within a positive, supportive environment.  Voice students from AU consistently earn honors through the auditions of the National Association of Teachers of Singing at the state, regional, and national level.

In addition to vigorous vocal study, our atmosphere is infused by the love of Christ; you’ll study with faculty who actively share their faith as performers and will coach and guide you in the spirit of Christ.

Your Future in Music

Students who successfully complete this degree program will also be prepared to audition for graduate school and gain entrance into a master’s degree programs in vocal performance, vocal pedagogy, or music education.

If you decide not to go to graduate school directly after college, you’ll have the ability to teach beginning students and seek auditions and apprenticeships. This degree also prepares you for a career in singing, including freelance and studio work, and professional positions in vocal, choral, and theatrical ensembles. Whatever your specific career goals, we’ll work closely with you to guide and prepare you for your future in music.