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Storm Report

9/26/2024 9:45 a.m.

Anderson University is operating on a normal schedule today (Thursday, September 26.) However, out of an abundance of caution, Anderson University will convert to online classes and remote work for employees (Friday, September 27.)  

No in-person classes, activities, or events will be held tomorrow. This change in operations includes all campus facilities, including the University Center-Greenville.  

(Please note: some staff members may be asked to report to campus to support emergency operations. Work directly with your supervisor to determine if you are needed.) 

This morning’s briefing from the National Weather Service and the Anderson County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) reported Hurricane Helene strengthened rapidly overnight, with its remnants expected to arrive in our area late this evening.  

Heavy rain will arrive around midnight, with revised overnight rain totals of six to eight inches expected. Sustained winds of 45 to 60 miles per hour are expected, with wind gusts between 60 and 70 miles per hour. Downed trees, flooding, and power outages are all possible once the bulk of the storm arrives.  

While Anderson University is open and operating normally today (Thursday, September 26), faculty, staff, students, and their families should prioritize their personal health and safety.  

Travel plans to and from campus should be carefully evaluated in light of rapidly developing weather conditions. Faculty, staff, and students with the means to leave campus and arrive safely at home may do so at their discretion.  

  • Faculty and staff should work with their supervisor to determine staffing needs and expectations.   
  • Students should likewise communicate with their professors about class assignments and attendance today.  
  • For those who choose to remain on campus or are unable to leave or arrive at their destination safely, essential services will be available. Keeping our campus community safe and secure is Anderson University’s top priority.  

Again, faculty, staff, and students should prioritize their own health and safety.  

Preparations have been made to ensure campus facilities are prepared to safely accommodate our students in the event of a power outage.  

Specifically, we have secured additional resources including, but not limited to, extra food and water for the G. Ross Anderson Jr. Student Center. The facility is equipped with generators to maintain electricity in the event of a power outage.  

As a reminder, the Student Center is equipped to provide shelter for students. Ample supplies of food and water are available, and the facility will be open and staffed throughout the duration of any emergency.   

Anderson University staff remain in regular and consistent contact with state emergency response officials, including the Anderson County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which is providing specific consultation.  

More information will be released as it becomes available and in as timely a manner as possible. Please monitor all communication channels including, but not limited to, your email; the Anderson University website; official University social media channels; and local news reports. 

9/25/2024 3:00 p.m.

Heavy rain and high winds are forecast as the remnants of Hurricane Helene are expected to pass through the region over the next two days. The weather could be dangerous and may impact Anderson University operations. It is important that you remain vigilant while preparing for the storm’s arrival. Please join us in praying for those who will be most directly impacted by this weather event.  

There is no change to Anderson University operations at this time. Please stay tuned for additional updates. Campus activities and events may be affected as we learn more information. We anticipate sending an updated communication tomorrow morning (Thursday, September 26.)  

As always, faculty, staff, and students should make personal health and safety their highest priority. Planned activities and travel should be carefully evaluated considering rapidly developing weather conditions. Use your best discretion but, again, prioritize your personal safety. Essential services will be made available. Your safety is Anderson University’s top priority.  

Current forecasts indicate the storm will impact our region beginning on the afternoon of Thursday, September 26 through Friday, September 27. The biggest threat of this storm appears to be heavy rain, which could cause trees to fall and flash flooding to occur. Winds of 30 miles per hour with gusts up to 50 miles per hour are possible. Power outages are possible, though not certain.  

To that end, preparations have been made to ensure campus facilities are prepared to safely accommodate our students.  

Specifically, we are securing additional resources including, but not limited to, extra food and water for the G. Ross Anderson Jr. Student Center. The facility is equipped with generators to maintain electricity in the event of a power outage.  

Should the Student Center be needed to provide shelter for students, in addition to ample supplies of food and water, the facility will be open and staffed throughout the duration of any emergency. Ample additional services will be provided.  

Anderson University staff remain in regular and consistent contact with state emergency response officials, including the Anderson County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), which is providing specific consultation.  

More information will be released as it becomes available and in as timely a fashion as possible. Please monitor all communication channels including, but not limited to, your email; the Anderson University website; official University social media channels; and local news reports.