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Weapons Policy

Anderson University is a weapons free campus.  For the purposes of this policy, weapons include all firearms (handguns and long guns), a knife with a blade over two inches long, a blackjack, a metal pipe or pole, on any other device or object which may be used to inflict bodily injury of death.  This means that no employee, visitor, student, or other individual is permitted to carry a gun or weapon on their person, whether they have a concealable weapons permit or not.  This policy does not apply to Campus Safety officers or other federal and state law enforcement officers. 

Any weapons must be stored in a locked vehicle at all times, and it is advised that they be kept out of sight, preferably stored in a trunk or glove box.  The University is not responsible for any damaged or stolen weapon on its campus.

Failure to follow this policy may result in discipline and potentially subject you to personal liability.