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Anderson University provides affordable and easy access to innovative, I-17 approved and STEM-focused programs designed specifically for international students.

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Anderson University continues to show low rates of COVID-19 infection, which speaks to the incredible cooperation to the Journey Ahead protocols that our community has demonstrated to this point. 

However, the good news reported weekly via our COVID-19 Dashboard does not mean the danger has passed. Recent research indicates many of those with COVID-19 may not even be aware they are sick. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported in July that “1 in 2 COVID-19 patients could not identify a person with COVID-19 with whom they had close contact in the last two weeks.” 

Even the most careful individual can not only contract the virus, but also unwittingly spread it to those around them. That’s why it’s important to once again reiterate the basic Journey Ahead protocols: 

  • Wear a mask or face covering. 
  • Maintain six-foot physical distance. 
  • Wash your hands frequently. 
  • If you have symptoms, stay off campus, and call Thrive Wellness Center at 864-622-6078. 

Please keep in mind that the Journey Ahead protocols should be followed off campus just as diligently as they are followed on campus. This is especially important in the weeks to come, when opportunities to socialize off campus become more numerous. 

Another potential source of virus transmission is study groups. It is so easy to let your guard down among friends. But when you are gathering to study–or hang out on Alumni Lawn, take a late-night trip to Cook-Out, or spend a leisurely afternoon in an Eno–remember to be diligent and wear a mask or face covering and maintain physical distance. 

Once again, we appreciate your commitment to keeping Anderson University healthy and safe. Now, let’s keep it that way. Follow the protocols. Remain vigilant. Demonstrate servant leadership. Be a positive influence on your friends and classmates. 

We are stronger together.