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James Wanliss

College of Engineering
College of Engineering
Professor of General Engineering
Academic Background

[“Doctor of Philosophy, Physics (University of Alberta, Canada)”,”Master of Science, Exploration Geophysics (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)”,”Bachelor of Science (Honours), Physics (University of Cape Town)”,”Bachelor of Science, Physics, Applied Mathematics (University of Cape Town)”]

Phd, University of Alberta

MS, University of the Witwatersrand

BS, University of Cape Town

BS, University of Cape Town


Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

In class I encourage active involvement from students so that they share direct responsibility for their learning. I enjoy weaving hands-on research results and demonstrating how God's Word must be foundational to daily tasks in engineering, and all of life.



Fast Facts

In class I encourage active involvement from students so that they share direct responsibility for their learning. I enjoy weaving hands-on research results and demonstrating how God’s Word must be foundational to daily tasks in engineering, and all of life.

Reverse Engineering (ENGR 111), Fluid Mechanics (ENME 310), Engineernig Materials (ENGR 330)

I love that Anderson University encourages pursuit of rigorous academics and integration of faith in Jesus Christ in my relations with students and colleagues. AU allows me to model the love of Christ and raise up a generation of students who appreciate how God has designed the world and reveals himself as our Creator.

I wish students will seek to build a culture of technology transfer where research by scientists is more integrated with engineers.

Speaker at various homeschool conferences;
Senior Fellow and Contributing Writer for The Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation;
Author of Resisting the Green Dragon: Dominion, Not Death, which compares and contrasts Bible Christian stewardship with the worldview and ethics of the environmental movement;
Married to Seung-Hyun and father to Grace, Sophia, and Cameron;
Editor of ‘The Master’s Trumpet’ magazine, published by Grange Press.

I enjoy the enthusiasm of the students and the conscious effort of the University to integrate learning and scholarship with faith in Jesus Christ.

1. Wanliss, J.A. (2023), Fractal Methods in Nonequilibrium Systems, in (Ed. S.-A. Ouadfeul) Fractal Analysis – Applications and Updates, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1002058
2. Wanliss, J.A. (2023), PyTorch and Temporal Convolutional Networks for Forecasting Space Weather, Engineering with Computers, under review.
3. Wanliss, J.A., Wanliss, G.E. Efficient calculation of fractal properties via the Higuchi method. Nonlinear Dyn 109, 2893–2904 (2022).
4. Wanliss, J., Arriaza, R. H., Wanliss, G., and Gordon, S. (2021). Optimization of the Higuchi Method. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(11), 202-213. doi:10.29121/granthaalayah.v9.i11.2021.4393
5. Wanliss, J.A., and G.E. Wanliss (2021), Efficient Calculation of Fractal Properties via the Higuchi Method, Nonlinear Dynamics Previews,
6. Wanliss, J., Efficiency of Price Movements in Futures Markets, The Indian Economic Journal, 68(2), 193–206, 2020. DOI: 10.1177/0019466220966599
7. Dobias P., Wanliss J.A. (2018), Empirical Mode Decomposition in Defence Data Analysis, in (eds.) Morales A., Gershenson C., Braha D., Minai A., Bar-Yam Y. (eds) Unifying Themes in Complex Systems IX. ICCS 2018,
8. Wanliss, J., Cornélissen, G., Halberg, F. et al., Superposed Epoch Analysis of Physiological Fluctuations: Possible Space Weather Connections, Int J Biometeorol (2018) 62: 449.
9. Wanliss, J.A., V. Muñoz, D. Pastén, B. Toledo, and J. A. Valdivia (2017), Critical behavior in earthquake energy dissipation, Eur. Phys. J. B, 90 (9) 167 (2017), doi:10.1140/epjb/e2017-70657-y.
10. Wanliss, J.A., V. Muñoz, D. Pastén, B. Toledo, and J. A. Valdivia, Critical behavior in earthquake energy dissipation, Nonlin. Processes Geophys. Discuss., 22, 1–27, 2015, doi:10.5194/npgd-22-1-2015.