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New STEM Masters Programs

Anderson University provides affordable and easy access to innovative, I-17 approved and STEM-focused programs designed specifically for international students.

Learn more about these programs by exploring the links below.

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Career Resources Guides

Click on the items to below access tips and information to guide you as you prepare your​ professional documents. Tips for Creating a Resume Verbs to Use in Writing a

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Employers: Recruit at AU

We are appreciative of your interest in recruiting Anderson University students and, in return, we are interested in learning about your organization.  We strive to connect with organizations and companies

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Contact Us

Log into Handshake to request an appointment with the Center for Career Development. Click “Career Center,” and then click the “Appointments” tab. We offer in-person, video, phone, or email appointments

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Lab Test Fees

Additional costs may be incurred if lab tests are required. Please ask about additional fees on your visit, the following fees apply to all students.   Test Patient Cost Strep $10.00

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Ramona Gause – Master of Science in Nursing “My most memorable moment here at AU—I’ll never forget—it was one of our intensives—and one of the pastors came to speak here

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(For 2020-21 Catalog)

There courses are available to all students enrolled at AU seeking dual-credit or dual-enrollment credit. There are no course fees associated with AU courses for dual-credit or dual-enrolled students.

BIO 104 – Inquiry in Environmental Science (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101.

An inquiry-based study of humans’ relationship with the natural environment using literature review, case studies, and evidence-based decision making.  Topics include principles of ecology, resource use, waste management, environmental problems, alternative energy sources, and stewardship.  Laboratory included.  Seated sections will include face-to-face lab exercises whereas online sections will pursue inquiry activities using resources such as online databases, scientific literature, and assigned activities. Students may earn 4 credits towards university transfer.

(Students may earn 4 credits towards university transfer.)

BIO 110 – Principles of Biology 1 (1 Unit) 
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for MAT 108. 

Designed for biology and pre-professional majors; introduction to modern biology integrating lecture and laboratory andincorporating experimental and quantitative approaches. Topics covered include macromolecules, cell structure and function; cell interactions and metabolism; classical and modern genetics; and biotechnology. (Fall)

(Students may earn 4 credits towards university transfer.)

BIO 111 – Principles of Biology 2 (1 Unit)
Prerequisite: BIO 110 with a grade of C or better. 

Continuation of Principles sequence. Emphasis on protozoa and animals as functional units. Topics include diversity, phylogeny, adaptation, morphology, physiology, ecology and behavior. (Spring) 

(Students may earn 4 credits towards university transfer.)

CHE 111 – General Chemistry 1 (1 Unit)
Prerequisites: Score of 530+ on Math SAT 

OR 19+ on math ACT, and completion of high school Algebra II with a C or above; OR MAT 105; OR MAT 106. Corequisite: CHE 113 (Lab). Fundamental concepts of modern chemistry; topics include properties of the gas, liquid and solid states; atomic structure; chemical bonding; the periodic table; properties of elements and compounds; chemical formulas, nomenclature and equations; thermochemistry and solutions. Laboratory introduces quantitative analysis. Students registering for CHE 111 must attend Recitation. (Fall)

(Students may earn 5 credits towards university transfer.)

GEO 102 – WORLD GEOGRAPHY (1 unit )
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101.

This course is the study of physical and cultural factors influencing human activity.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

Prerequisites:  An ACT score of 19 or above on the English, reading or writing sections, OR a SAT score of 500 or above on the Evidence Based Reading and Writing section, OR ACCUPLACER scores of RPL 25 and EPL 25. 

Entry into academic discourse through topics of cultural and civic importance and introduction to the fundamentals of college composition, including the writing process, argument, critical reading and thinking skills, research methods, conventions of academic writing, use of technology in the writing process, and oral presentation skills. Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

Prerequisites:  English 101 or equivalent with a grade of C or higher.

Continuation of elements of argument-based writing and oral communication taught in English 101, with an emphasis on composing longer essays, engaging in collaborative work, and creating multimodal rhetoric. Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

FRE 111 – Elementary French Language and Culture I (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  None. 

Introduction to pronunciation and structure patterns of simple French sentences, necessary to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in FRE. An appreciation of French speaking culture underlies the orientation of the course. Students with two or more high school language credits may take the Foreign Language Placement Test during orientation with the option of being placed at a higher level. Students with prior study in educational institutions in which French is the primary language are not allowed to receive credit for the elementary level of the native language. 

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

FRE 112 – Elementary French Language & Culture II (1 Unit)
Prerequisites: FRE 111 or Placement Test  

Continuation of FRE 111; study of the basic sounds and structures of the French language. An appreciation of French speaking culture underlies the orientation of the course.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

HIS 181 – Foundations of the Modern World (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101. 

Beginning with the rise of civilization and concluding at the eve of the Modern Period (AD 1500) this course provides for the development of critical inquiry by emphasizing the analysis of primary sources. It examines major cultural, social, economic, and political trends of major world civilizations as a means of examining the society in which we live, and our identities and responsibilities as informed Christian world citizens.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

HIS 182 – The Modern World (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101. 

Beginning at the eve of the Modern Period (circa 1500 AD) and concluding in the recent past, this course provides for the development of critical inquiry by emphasizing the analysis of primary sources. It examines major cultural, social, economic, and political trends of major world civilizations as a means of examining the society in which we live, and our identities and responsibilities as informed Christian world citizens.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

MAT 108 – Finite Probability and Statistics (1 Unit)
Prerequisites: Score of 490+ on Math SAT, or 16+ on Math ACT, and completion of high school Algebra II; OR MAT 105; OR MAT 106, OR  ACCUPLACER scores of RPL 25 and MPL 30. 

Introduction to probability and statistics; topics include descriptive statistics; probability; discrete and continuous random variables; the Binomial, Normal, and Student-T probability distributions; and estimation and hypothesis testing; linear correlation and regression.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

Prerequisites:  Score of 530 on the Math SAT and completion of Algebra 2 with a C or above, OR  MAT 105, OR ACCUPLACER scores of RPL 25 and MPL 40.

This course includes the following topics:  differentiation and integration of polynomial, rational, logarithmic, and exponential functions and interpretation and application of these processes. Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer. (Fall)

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

Prerequisites:  Score of 600 on the math SAT OR 24 on the math ACT OR MAT 13 OR MAT 130; Or MAT 105 and MAT 107, OR ACCUPLACER score of MPL 45

Introduction to differential and integral calculus; topics include limits; differentiation and applications; integration and applications; and the calculus of the trigonometric functions.

(Students may earn 4 credits towards university transfer.)

PS 101 – American National Government (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101.

Study of the constitutional basis of the federal government, including its organization, functions, and services.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

PSY 101 – Introduction to Psychology (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101.

Introduction to Psychology is a survey course that provides an overview of the methods, terms, theories and research findings in the field of psychology. By understanding the principles of psychology, students learn and understand more about themselves and others.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

Prerequisites:  Must meet prerequisites for ENG 101. 

This course is an introduction to major subjects in sociology.  Main topics include historical development of the discipline, contemporary perspectives, and issues on social stratification, gender, ethnicity, socialization process, formal organizations, and selected social institutions.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

SPA 111 – Elementary Spanish Language & Culture 1 (1 Unit)
Prerequisites:  None.

An introduction to the sound system and grammatical structure necessary to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Spanish. An appreciation of Spanish speaking culture underlies the orientation of the course. A student with two or more high school language credits may take the Spanish Placement Test during with the option of being placed at a higher level. Students with prior study in educational institutions in which Spanish is the primary language are not allowed to receive credit for the elementary level of the native language. 

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)

SPA 112 – Elementary Spanish Language & Culture 2 (1 Unit)
Prerequisites: SPA 111 or Placement Test  

Continued study of additional verb tenses and grammatical structures and reading assignments of higher complexity. An appreciation of Spanish-speaking culture underlies the orientation of the course.

(Students may earn 3 credits towards university transfer.)