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Thank you for considering giving to help support our mission in Christian higher education. We know that if you make a contribution it will be because you believe in what we do and because you want to help make a difference in the lives of others.
The assistance of alumni, parents, and friends is vital as we ensure that Anderson University remains a great place to learn, to live, and to serve.
Through your generosity Anderson University can:
Fund scholarships for students of promise and/or need
- Provide support for student development programs, the library, faculty development, athletics, campus ministries, academic programs, or the fine arts, and a host of other programs and services
- Help maintain our existing campus and provide for new facilities and equipment
- Provide for annual operational needs through the Anderson University Fund
- Grow its permanent endowment that helps insure the long-term success of the institution
Your gift large or small, makes a difference and is greatly appreciated. You may contribute to Anderson University in a variety of ways.
- Gifts of Cash
- Gifts of Securities
- Gifts of Real Estate and Personal Property
- Matching Gifts
- Commitment of Intent to Make a Gift
- Memorials and Tributes
- Planned Gifts
If you need assistance or more information contact
J. Wayne Landrith
Senior Vice President for Development and Presidential Affairs
Email Wayne Landrith