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Tutoring Lab

Whether you’re feeling lost in a class or just need one little thing clarified, tutoring can make all the difference! Our peer tutors, recommended by faculty, are excellent students who enjoy helping their fellow students be successful.

How do I get an appointment?

  • You may set an appointment with a tutor by signing up to join the “Tutoring by Appointment” course in the Canvas Learning Management System. Once you are in, you will be able to schedule an appointment by course and time of day.
  • If you need help when one of the tutors for the course is not available, look at the list of Tutors & Courses, posted in the Canvas course. You may email one of the appropriate tutors and try to work out a mutually agreeable time.
  • If there is no tutoring available for your course, talk with your professor. If tutoring is available for your course through the online NetTutor service, the professor can easily make it available to your class. If the professor has questions, please refer her or him to AU’s Center for Innovation and Digital Learning (CIDL). 

Group Study

Tutoring for a few courses also offer Group Study, especially around test time, so that you can work with a tutor along with other students to review material and help each other. If there isn’t already Group Study for a class and you are interested, talk with your tutor or contact CSS and we will work
on getting one set up.

Where do I find the AU tutors?

All individual tutoring takes place in Room 208 of Thrift Library beginning at 4:00PM M-F, or at various times via Zoom or in another area agreed upon with your tutor. Group Study will take place in designated classrooms.

In what courses can I get tutoring?

We provide tutoring in most core curriculum courses and many beginning major courses.If we don’t list a tutor in a course that you really need, ask, and we will see if we can identify a tutor for you.
Please contact our office to find a tutor.


Contact the David Larson McPhillips Center for Student Success. You may call 864.328.1420 or email

Tutoring…come early, come often.