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Strategic Support Resources

Legacy Leader

$100,000 or more distributed to The Family Enterprise Institute of South Carolina over 5 years or less Please contact Brad Bechtold to discuss your desire to become a Legacy Leader. Dr. Bechtold can be contacted at 864-231-2463 or by email at

Affiliate Partner

Affiliate Partners have a unique opportunity to support the Family Enterprise Institute of South Carolina and be resources to assist members of the Institute as knowledgeable subject matter experts. They are experts in the areas of law, investment and banking, strategic planning, executive coaching, tax and estate planning and more. Our Affiliate Partners are committed to sustaining family enterprises for the well-being of the economy and the community. Through long-term relationship building between FEISC Member Companies and Affiliate Partners, there may evolve client/customer relationships (or strengthening of current relationships). Affiliate Partners are a select group who have experience working with family-owned enterprises of all shapes and sizes. Affiliate Partners must have an active interest in the challenges and needs of our members. All partners agree to a “sales-free” environment so members will feel comfortable engaging with them.

Affiliate Partner Benefits

  • Participation in ongoing professional development and specialized education to better serve your family enterprise clients
  • Recognition at events and programs as well as named in key FEISC informational and marketing materials
  • Recognition on the FEISC website
  • Opportunity to leverage the FEISC programs to provide value-added learning and networking opportunities for your family enterprise clients
  • Relationship-building and networking with FEISC members, guests and sponsors
  • Admission to select FEISC and Anderson University events
  • Opportunity to speak at events/workshops depending on the need and industry expertise

Partner Code of Conduct

  • Affiliate Partner participation and attendance is vital to the success of the Institute. Affiliate Partners will make an effort to have a representative at events and programs.
  • Solicitation among Members, Affiliate Partners and Guests is not allowed during Family Enterprise Institute events. No handing out business cards or brochures is permitted unless they are freely requested.
  • In order to maintain a level of trust and continuity, discussions at programs shall not be disclosed for the disadvantage of, or competitive injury to, participants.
  • Members and Affiliates may overlap in some of their services therefore each must respect the other’s area of expertise.
  • If asked to make a presentation at an FEISC program and/or submit an article for publication, the information should be educational only and should not constitute solicitation and must stay within the boundaries of one’s core service or product.
  • Affiliate partners should be willing to answer questions in their field of expertise at FEISC events.
  • Affiliate Partners should advocate for each other and FEISC members in the business community.
  • Affiliate Partners should advocate for Anderson University’s success as a comprehensive private liberal arts university.
  • Affiliate Partners may not trade on their relationship with the Anderson University’s FEISC in any way that compromises the reputation or effectiveness of the Institute or the University.
  • Affiliate Partners may not infer that the University implicitly or explicitly endorses their business and may not represent, verbally or, in written material that it does without prior written consent.
  • Marketing materials may mention that a business is a member of the Anderson University FEISC, but the logo of the University or FEISC may not be used without permission from the Executive Director.
Please contact Brad Bechtold to learn how your organization might be eligible to become an Affiliate Partner with FEISC. Dr. Bechtold can be contacted at 864-231-2463 or by email at

Special Event Sponsor

Are you:
  • A member seeking to provide additional investment in the Institute?
  • A service provider for family enterprises?
  • A trade or service organization seeking additional name recognition in the family enterprise arena?
Consider sponsoring one of our special events. Our membership roster is comprised of some of the most respected enterprises and families in South Carolina, and event sponsorship is an excellent way to show appreciation and support while increasing your name recognition. Please contact Brad Bechtold to learn more about Event Sponsorship. Dr. Bechtold can be contacted at 864-231-2463 or by email at

Caring Benefactor

Individuals or organizations motivated by the FEISC Mission to make singular or periodic donations of any amount Please contact Brad Bechtold to discuss your Caring Benefactor donation Dr. Bechtold can be contacted at 864-231-2463 or by email at