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Membership Application

Apply for Membership

Membership Criteria and Application

Family enterprises who become members of the FEISC are best described as:

  • Seeking education not marketing as the primary goal for joining
  • Forward thinking and focused on continuous improvement
  • Committed to, or considering, the sustainability of the enterprise for future generations
  • Seeking to maintain family harmony while succeeding at business
  • Open to peer-learning and considering new ideas
  • Willing to devote time to address business and family challenges
  • Wanting to develop camaraderie and network with other enterprise owning families
  • Able to benefit from and contribute to the mission of the FEISC and Anderson University

Members of the FEISC have a unique opportunity to benefit from the collective wisdom of successful business owners and other professionals in an atmosphere that encourages open discussion and exchange of ideas.

Member Code of Ethics and Conduct

  • Member participation is vital to the success of the Institute. Enterprise members will make an effort to have a representative at each event or program.
  • Solicitation among Members and Guests is not allowed during FEISC events or programs. No handing out business cards or brochures is permitted unless they are freely requested.
  • In order to maintain a level of trust and continuity, discussions at programs shall not be disclosed for the disadvantage of or competitive injury to participants.
  • Members may overlap in some of their services; therefore, each must respect the other’s area of expertise.
  • Members, where possible, advocate for each other in the business community.
  • Members, where possible, advocate for Anderson University’s success as a comprehensive private liberal arts university.
  • Members may not trade on their relationship with the Anderson University’s FEISC in any way that could compromise the reputation or effectiveness of the Institute or the University.
  • Members may not infer that the University implicitly or explicitly endorses their enterprise and may not represent, verbally or, in written material that it does without prior written consent.
  • Member marketing materials may mention that a business is a member of the Anderson University FEISC, but the logo of the University or FEISC may not be used without permission from the Executive Director.