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Starting a New Club

We’re thrilled you’re interested in starting a new student club! But first, please consider the following questions:
  • Is there a current recognized AU organization that shares a similar mission or goal? Can your organization work together with the existing student organization?

  • Have you made the effort to determine if any existing programs offer similar services?

  • Are there adequate university resources (space, funding, potential participants, etc.) to support the group’s activities?

  • Are there significant safety risks associated with activities your organization will sponsor?

  • Will AU benefit significantly from the existence of your organization?

  • Is your organization sustainable? Will it exist after you graduate?

If after considering these questions, you determine that you would like to create a new club, please complete the New Club/Organization application on AUnited

If you have questions regarding this application, please contact the Office of Student Involvement or the Student Government Association.