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Organization Resources

Resources for Existing Student Organizations

  • Be sure to check out AUnited for the most recent edition of the Student Organization Handbook. This handbook is published by Student Government Association and contains all the information organization leaders need about University policies and requirements for organizations. Questions regarding clubs and organizations can be directed to the Office of Student Involvement ( or the Student Government Association ( 
  • Any student attending a trip or participating in a high-risk activity with a University organization must complete the appropriate form prior to leaving. The organization’s advisor should have the forms while on the trip and they should be filed in the Student Involvement office following the event.
    • Student Waiver Activity Form: This form should be completed if AU students are participating in activities that could result in an injury. Some examples of when this form should be completed might be a ski or camping trip.
    • Student Waiver Transportation Form: This waiver should be completed if a student is taking advantage of University transportation to a University-sponsored event. An example might be traveling to an academic conference or student leader retreat.
    • Community Waiver Form: If a non-student is participating in an activity that may cause injury, such as a 5K race, he or she must complete this form and submit to event organizer.