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AU News

University resumes normal operation on Thursday, Jan. 30

January 28, 2014

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Anderson University will resume its normal operating schedule on Thursday, January 30, however school officials urge its employees and commuting students to travel only when they feel their route is safe.

Commuting students should carefully assess road conditions in their areas before departing for class in the morning, school officials said. Commuters who miss 8:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., or 11:00 a.m. classes due to travel conditions will have their absences excused, Provost Dr. Danny Parker said in a statement to the university community.

Faculty and staff traveling to campus in the morning should also exercise caution and good judgment in assessing road conditions in their areas before departure, Dr. Parker said.

Employees who conclude that conditions in their areas are not conducive to safe travel to campus should notify their supervisors and plan to make their ways to campus as soon as road conditions permit, Dr. Parker said.

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