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AU News

Supply Chain Concepts Come Alive for Business Graduate

March 24, 2021
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Caroline Hearne, a Supply Chain Management graduate from the Anderson University College of Business, sees the global movement of goods and services up close and personal.

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Few shoppers give much thought to the steps involved in getting goods from the factory to store shelves—except maybe for Caroline Hearne, who studied Supply Chain Management at Anderson University. 

As a financial analyst for the South Carolina Ports Authority, Hearne, a graduate of the Anderson University College of Business, is part of a team that coordinates the movement of goods and services at one of the top 10 container ports in the United States and includes two inland ports serving growing industries in South Carolina. Annually, South Carolina ports has a $63.4 billion dollar impact on the state’s economy.

“Continuing to learn and adapt in an industry that is constantly evolving and improving has been an exciting challenge as I have transitioned from a student to working professional,” Hearne said.

“Working in finance within a supply chain industry has been an amazing intersection of my two areas of studyaccounting and supply chain management,” Hearne said. She is daily reminded of the many ways her education at Anderson University prepared her to successfully transition into her current role.

“I have worked on several projects at SC Ports that have mirrored projects I completed in my supply chain and business courses,” Hearne said. “In AU’s project management course, I worked with a team to complete a time study of manufacturing processes for a business in Anderson; my first project at SC Ports was a time study of container operations services.”

These are experiences that confirm that Hearne’s choice to study business at Anderson University has been a solid one.

“I knew when I was looking at universities that I wanted a strong business program with a high job-placement rate, small class sizes where I could know my professors personally and a true commitment to Christian education,” she said.

Hearne feels her Anderson University education has provided her with the knowledge essential to her career, teaching her what she needed to be successful in business while strengthening her faith to be an ambassador for Christ.

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