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AU News

Journey Ahead Update: Things Are Going to Look Different After Fall Break

October 15, 2021
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Effective immediately, masks are encouraged, but not required, in most locations on campus.

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Prior to the fall semester, we took the unfortunate (but necessary) step to require masks in some areas and circumstances. In doing so, we made a commitment to repeal that requirement as soon as reasonably prudent. 

Today is that day. 

Effective immediately, masks are encouraged, but not required, at Anderson University. We are requiring masks on Trojan Transit. Otherwise, it is up to you whether to wear a mask or face covering in other locations. We also encourage you to maintain a physical distance of 3 feet or more when possible and, if you feel sick, quarantine yourself and follow the published protocols.

We have been constantly evaluating the circumstances and number of cases. Fortunately, the last several weeks have shown a significant decline in cases in the community and on campus.

Please keep the following in mind: 

  • Circumstances can change. This has been a consistent theme throughout nearly every communication we’ve delivered, and it has been accurate just as consistently. We originally lifted mask requirements last May, with the caveat that circumstances could require us to change course. They did, and we did. We hope to relegate masks to the dustbin of history, but time will tell. Remain vigilant. And please extend grace if the public health situation takes a turn for the worse. 
  • Just because you aren’t required to wear a mask doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. If you are indoors among a large group of people, for example, you should probably wear a mask. While off-campus, respect any local ordinances and the policies of any business that may differ from ours. 
  • There may also be a few limited exceptions where you may be required to wear a mask. In those situations you will be notified in advance.
  • Don’t throw your masks away just yet. Again, things can change, and you may find yourself in a circumstance or location where it will come in handy. 
  • If you have any symptoms of any illnessdo not come to campus. This is probably the most important Journey Ahead protocol right now. The consistent downward trend in active cases is the primary reason we’re scaling back mask requirements. It stands to reason that a reversal of fortune—that is, a rise in COVID-19 infections—could have the opposite effect. Again, if you are not well,stay home and call Thrive Wellness Center at 864-622-6078 (or, for student-athletes, Sports Medicine 864-231-2144.) 

Once again, thank you for your commitment to the health and safety of our campus community. The last year and a half have been challenging for all of us. Yet, we are joyful for the protection God has provided—and for the light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter each day.

News Release Contact

Executive Director for Public Relations