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AU News

Journey Ahead Update: Limited Resumption of Public Events

October 6, 2020
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Anderson University is again offering public events for its students on a limited basis.

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Without question, this has been a challenging–but rewarding–semester. 

The Journey Ahead has been successful thus far. Most of our students have remained healthy and safe in spite of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, which is a testament to your extraordinary efforts at following our protocols. You’ve cared for yourselves, and others, and that’s worth celebrating.  

Anderson University is known for its Great Hospitality and fostering a family atmosphere built on community and shared experiences. That’s why the decision to halt public events was such a difficult one. Many of you have understandably struggled in the absence of regular human interaction. 

Here’s what you should know: We’ve heard you loud and clear. You want more opportunities to spend time with your AU family. And you’re deserving of that privilege

Why? Again, it’s because you’ve taken to heart the standard of servant leadership we’ve set, admirably following the Journey Ahead protocols. As a result, infection rates, while incrementally rising, have remained low. 

The COVID-19 Task Force and its many teams have spent untold hours discussing safe ways to allow the kind of on-campus gatherings you’ve missed. We’re pleased to announce the Task Force this week recommended, and had approved, a resumption of a limited number of public events. 

The key word here is “privilege.” It is essential that we all understand the great privilege being extended through this decision. It’s an opportunity that can only be offered because of the compliance of our cherished student body. Please seize this moment with extraordinary compliance and relentless vigor

As new events are added to the calendar, please read guidelines carefully. Follow them, and the leadership of staff who will be present as you gather. Neither are put in place lightly, nor as a guardrail to having a good time. The goal is to keep you healthy and safe while working toward our shared goal of completing this academic year successfully. 

Always remember: in the Journey Ahead, we are Stronger Together. 

News Release Contact

Executive Director for Public Relations