Exactly one month from now, we’ll celebrate a major milestone—and the culmination of nearly two years of work—as the Workday@AU platform goes live on Friday, September 24.
One of the keys to success when making major transitions—especially updating processes that have been in place for years—is what’s known as “change management.” So, over the next month, the Workday@AU team is going to be ramping up that effort. It includes finalizing a website landing page with resources you’ll need to be successful with Workday; providing specific, comprehensive training on how Workday works; and delivering clear, direct communication on what to expect, and when to expect it.
However, the most important aspect of change management is you.
Here’s the thing: it is critically important that we embrace the challenges and opportunities that Workday presents. Change is simply a part of being an innovative, forward-thinking and modern institution. Over the last several years, Anderson University has invested heavily in modernizing the academic, co-curricular and experiential environment for our students. Now, with Workday, we’re bringing that same approach to our work systems. Transitioning to a new, user-friendly platform for business functions will require a different approach to your day-to-day work.
But different doesn’t mean harder. Quite the contrary. Workday will make your life much, much easier.
Reminders and Need-to-Knows
- Training begins on September 7 and will run through September 17. All biweekly and monthly employees and supervisors will be trained during those 10 days, specifically on HR functions (including time reporting, vacation scheduling and payroll processing.)
- While students won’t be using Workday for academic functions (course registration, advising, etc.) until February, student workers will start tracking their time in October. They’ll get that training well in advance (starting on September 14.)
- The Workday@AU website landing page will go live in September. It’ll have tons of content to help prepare you for training and implementing Workday. One of the site’s features is a handy-dandy resource site that’s something of an encyclopedia (remember those?) If you want a sneak peek, check it out here.