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AU News

Professor Beth Schultz Awarded Nursing Scholar Grant to Pursue Doctoral Studies

October 28, 2018

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An Anderson University professor is one of just a handful of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future Nurses grant recipients nationwide, a prestigious scholarship that she’s using to complete doctoral studies at the University of South Carolina.

Dr. Beth Schultz of Anderson University’s College of Health Professions is one of two USC doctoral students to receive the grant, created to increase the number of nurses who hold doctorate degrees. Dr. Schultz is receiving funding and mentorship to engage in research-focused education and will earn her Ph.D. in just three years.

“The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is known for supporting and promoting nurses and nurse excellence,” Dr. Schultz said. “Being an RWJ Future of Nursing Scholar is such an honor, and I will be joining a group of nursing leaders that are charged with elevating the profession through research and leadership.”

USC is one of just 31 schools to receive the grant, and Dr. Schultz is one of two students there who secured the scholarship. Dr. Schultz endured a lengthy application process before being accepted to the program.

“Dr. Schultz has already shown her commitment to guiding nursing students to long-term careers that advance science and discovery, strengthen nursing education and bring transformational change to nursing and health care,” said Dr. Donald Peace, Dean of Anderson University’s College of Health Professions.

Dr. Schultz said her education will equip her to become a more effective leader while helping her strengthen the nursing program at Anderson. 

“The award provides Dr. Shultz the opportunity to truly impact the next generation of PhD-prepared nurse leaders,” Peace said. 

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