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Location: England

Semester: Fall 2019

Course Information: International Studies – 3 Credit Core Course

Lead Faculty: Dr. Chuck Fuller, Associate Professor of Christian Studies, Honors Program Director

Faculty Travel Assistant: Dr. Michael Duduit, Dean of the College of Christian Studies and Clamp Divinity School

Course Title: Thinking Christianly in a Changing Culture (Spurgeon’s College)

Course Code: IS 398 England

Course Description: Christian Worldview has been described as learning to “think Christianly.” Yet the conflicting philosophies and truth claims of the 21st century put new pressures on those who seek to see the world through the lens of a biblical worldview. In this course we will examine the competing worldviews that impact our culture, using the cosmopolitan city of London as our setting, and will evaluate ways that a faithful biblical worldview speaks to the needs of age. This course will explore London’s culture, history and the impact of family, as well as their views on Christianity. (This course is a core-course and not departmental class.)

Travel dates: July 18 to July 27

Cost: $2,880.00

Housing/Accommodations: Dorms of the Spurgeon’s College

Contact: or for more information.

Eligibility Requirements: Anderson students are eligible to enroll in an international study course (AU Abroad) with their advisor’s approval. This includes freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. However, scholarship eligibility depends upon class rank, GPA and financial need. 

Scholarship Eligibility: Scholarships are awarded to help reduce the cost of the travel fee, which is an additional charge as part of student’s registration for the program. The AU Abroad scholarship ranges up to $1,000.00 and is awarded upon eligibility, GPA and financial need. To be eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship, students must be a junior or senior. However, students who are sophomores in the nursing and/or education major are eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship. (This exception is made because nursing and education majors have limited availability for classes in their junior and senior year.) First-year students are not eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship but can register and take any international studies course with academic approval.

Registration: Students will travel before the course begins. The travel is considered one credit of the three credit course. Students must enroll in the Fall 19 class. Students cannot travel without enrolling in the course for the fall 19 semester. Students will register for this international studies course by registering for the class with their Fall 19 semester courses during the regular semester registration cycle. Students should speak with their academic advisor regarding how the IS 398 (AU Abroad) course will be used before registering for the class. AU Abroad is an international studies course, and is designed as a core course.

Payment: Payment can be made in person at Anderson Central (G. Ross Anderson Jr. Student Center) or online through self-service. You can pre-pay for any AU Abroad program by depositing funds within the semester account in which the class will take place. Please advise Anderson Central that the pre-payment is for AU Abroad, as well as the semester and which country you will be traveling. Deposit and payment for the travel will be required before registration for the Fall 19 semester. *Additional payment details, including deposit amounts and due dates are forthcoming. Travel dates and pricing will be finalized in February 2019.

The payment schedule for the course is:

  • May 3rd – $750.00
  • May 10th – $750.00
  • June 7th – $500.00
  • June 14th – $1,380.00
    • *Balance minus any AU Abroad Scholarship awarded. Please leave the part where students should pay at Anderson Central in the G. Ross Anderson Jr. Student Center.