Location: Malawi and Zambia
Location Details: Lilongwe, Malawi; South Luangwa National Park, Zambia
Semester: Spring 2018
Lead Faculty: Dr. Jennifer Triplett, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Faculty Assistant: Allison Stewart, Assistant Professor of Sociology
Course Title: IS 398 – Malawi: The Sociology of Family in the Global Economy: Low-Income Countries
Course Information: 3 Credits – General Education
Course Description: This course is a sociological analysis of the family with an emphasis on the impacts of low-income country status. Major topics include: poverty and family structure, the relationships between social and economic structure and health outcomes, such as child/infant mortality and disease; family issues such as marriage, divorce, abuse, and blended/multigenerational families; family-related social policies and an exploration of the influence of larger-scale cultural factors related to economic position that impact the structure and functioning of the family unit.
Travel Dates: March 10-18 (Spring Break), 2018
Price: $3,250.00
Housing/Accommodations: Hotels and home stays/family housing.
Eligibility Requirements: Students must be eligible sophomores, juniors or seniors (at least a 2.5 GPA) and have not attended a previous AU Abroad program.
Scholarship: Scholarships are awarded to reduce the cost for travel, which is an additional fee from tuition and fees and charged as part of student’s registration for the program. To be eligible for the AU Abroad scholarship of up to $1,000.00, students must either be a junior or senior. Scholarship amount depends upon GPA, class standing and financial need. (Due to the nature of their academic program, sophomore nursing students can apply for an AU Abroad grant for Spring 18.)