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AU Abroad Courses

AU is dedicated to offering students the finest quality study abroad programs in higher education. To ensure students from all majors and financial backgrounds can earn a degree and study abroad, we created AU Abroad. AU Abroad consists of study abroad courses taught by AU professors and includes a scholarship for eligible students.

AU Abroad programs vary every year. The Academic Affairs office and a faculty-led committee select the courses. We make sure that each course embodies academic excellence and possesses a spiritual dimension. AU Abroad gives students international and often life-transforming experiences with the support of AU professors. AU Abroad is open to all juniors and seniors with a 2.5 GPA or higher.

AU Abroad courses meet for a semester on AU’s campus. The travel component for students is normally during one of the breaks. For a spring semester course, the study abroad portion would be in March, and for the fall program it would be during the December break. All students who participate in AU Abroad must adhere to AU’s campus code of conduct while traveling abroad.


During the semester students prepare for their trip by studying the political, environmental, social, economic and historical perspective of the country to which they’ll travel. Previous AU Abroad courses have included trips to Ireland, Belize, China, Germany, Croatia, England, and Israel. The course is normally a general education elective course for three credits. This program helps students who have work or other obligations study abroad since the travel portion is during a 10- to 14-day period.

Financial Aid/Scholarship

Students register for their course together with their semester schedules so the cost for tuition is normally covered by their financial aid. There are additional travel costs not covered by financial aid, which the student is expected to cover. However, AU offers a scholarship for eligible students who participate in AU Abroad. Scholarships range up to $1,000, and eligibility is based upon GPA, class standing and financial need. The AU Abroad scholarship is for junior and senior students. Students can receive one AU Abroad Scholarship during their academic career. (Sophomore nursing students are eligible for the scholarship and can register for AU Abroad due to their academic schedule.) Sophomore nursing students and sophomore education majors are eligible to apply for the AU Abroad scholarship. (This is because of their level of academic work in their junior and senior year.) Students can only apply for the AU Abroad scholarship one time during their educational career at Anderson University, but can attend more than one AU Abroad program.

AU Abroad helps students gain experiences that will help them excel in the global marketplace. For more information about AU Abroad contact us at

Registration and Payment

Students register for AU Abroad during their normal registration for the spring semester.  Registration is based upon class standing. Payment for the travel portion (minus any AU Abroad scholarship) is due in full by November 17, 2017 for classes traveling during spring break and on December 15 for classes with travel in May. (Payment is non-refundable unless the class is canceled for lack of enrollment.) Payment can be made in person, in Anderson Central (Rice building) or online through self-service.