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Senior Class Gift

The senior class will use A Day gifts to honor the legacy of Ms. Patricia Bell with a hand-laid brick foundation and beautiful bench. Ms. Bell, a 1954 Anderson University graduate, resided in the house between the Rainey Fine Arts Center and the president’s home from her early childhood through 2023, when she moved to receive skilled care and support. 
Ms. Bell witnessed many important occasions throughout her lifetime, including Dr. Annie Dove Denmark’s presidency, yet her favorite thing to do in retirement was sit on her front porch and watch AU students enjoy campus life. 
Late last year, AU acquired the Bell property and it will be transformed in time to beautify the campus. A bench and brick foundation will be installed on the property to symbolize Ms. Bell’s enjoyment of watching students enjoy themselves. The bench will include a plaque dedicating the space to Ms. Bell and the Class of 2023.

Goal: $6,000

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