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Vaccine Statement

A Word About Vaccines

With the broad availability of effective vaccines, Anderson University has chosen to operate in the fall with the expectation that faculty, staff, and students will make informed individual choices on how to protect themselves, their families, and our campus community.

Medical experts, including those on the Anderson University COVID-19 Task Force, continue to strongly encourage vaccinations for all adults, and medical evidence to date shows that the vaccines are safe and effective. Recent studies show that the vaccines are between 85% to 96% effective in preventing symptomatic COVID-19. Vaccinations are readily available in most pharmacy chain stores (i.e., Wal-Mart, Publix, CVS, Walgreens, etc.) with no waiting in most locations.

The medical experts strongly recommend that non-vaccinated individuals continue to wear masks indoors and maintain physical distance from others. We trust that our faculty, staff, and students will, while making their personal choices, be responsible in protecting themselves and others. Only by working together can we continue our goal of returning to normal.