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Ramona Gause – Master of Science in Nursing

“My most memorable moment here at AU—I’ll never forget—it was one of our intensives—and one of the pastors came to speak here on campus, and it was such a blessing to hold hands with one of my faculty members and both of us were crying, and praying together. I will never forget that experience. Honestly, it changed my life.” -Ramona Gause

Lauren Williams – Master of Science in Nursing

“Not only have they invested in us academically but also as people being available via phone calls and texts and just encouraging us to find good clinical experiences and helping us along the journey.” -Lauren Williams

Deborah Yeargin – Master of Science in Nursing

“They talked servant leadership, and they led by servant leadership. They went out of their way to help every student succeed in this program. They really cared about every individual participating.” -Deborah Yeargin

Karen Picone – Master of Science in Nursing

“I feel like I’m well-prepared. I’m excited about my future, and I feel like I got a lot of information and knowledge that I need for success.” -Karen Picone