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Student Achievement

Within the institution’s core value, The Individual, the University states, “Anderson University is a people-focused community where individuals are valued and where all participants seek to honor one another through words, behavior, and a commitment to each person’s success.”

To this end, the University supports and monitors the progress of its students through several means including attainment of Dean’s List, freshman to sophomore retention rate, career preparation experience, 4- and 6-year graduation rates, the number of degrees awarded, and first destination data.  Some programs make use of discipline-based nationally normed examinations.  Individual colleges or schools maintain the data from these assessments.

Dean’s List Data

  Fall Spring Total
2021-2022 1583    
2020-2021 1555 1502 3057
2019-2020 1421 1582 3003
2018-2019 1377 1335 2712
2017-2018 1317 1323 2640
2016-2017 1250 1241 2491
2015-2016 1205 1182 2387
2014-2015 1079 1047 2126
2013-2014 937 935 1872
2012-2013 863 892 1755
2011-2012 782 770 1552

The data in Table A indicates the number of students who have been recognized for the Dean’s List in recent semesters. The number of students performing at or above the required GPA target of 3.5 has increased each of the last five years.

Freshman to Sophomore Retention Rate

Academic Year 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011
Fall-to-Fall Freshman to Sophomore Retention 85% 84% 80% 75% 76% 74% 77% 73% 72% 72%
Size of Freshman Class 695 638 640 675 665 660 642 501 533 513


Population of Internship Completers

Year Enrolled Grade C or > % Success
2010-2011 222 218 98%
2011-2012 252 232 92%
2012-2013 299 293 97%
2013-2014 334 315 94%
2014-2015 314 301 96%
2015-2016 450 447 99%
2016-2017 450 448 99%
2017-2018 532 528 99%

Research in student engagement and success indicates that internships, clinical experiences, or practicum experiences are recognized as high impact practices (HIP) for students. HIP opportunities provide upper-level students with experience in a real-world setting, a strong component of success after graduation. The data in Table C shows the number of students participating in these experiences over the last four years. Longstanding required internship or clinical courses are mainstays in a variety of academic programs including art-graphic design, business— all concentrations, all undergraduate education degrees, interior design, psychology, communications, Christian ministry, and nursing has recently joined this group with the launch of its program.  Several other programs offer but do not require credit for internships including history, biology, kinesiology, theatre, musical theatre, criminal justice, music, art, and Spanish.

Data on Graduation Rate and Degrees Awarded

First-Time Freshman Cohort 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
4-year Graduation Rate 41% 43% 36% 45% 43% 47% 52% 55% 63% TBD
6-year Graduation Rate 47% 48% 41% 51% 48% 53% 57% 57% 65% TBD
Academic Years 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018
Undergrad Degrees 322 293 317 360 367 425 466 441 541 590
Graduate Degrees 11 39 70 65 96 119 141 147 161 211
Total Degrees 333 332 387 425 463 544 607 588 702 801

Using federal definitions, graduation rates are computed only for students who entered the University as new full-time freshmen.  Students who transferred out and completed a degree elsewhere and those who transferred in and completed a degree at Anderson are excluded from the data on graduation rates.  The University is working towards of a goal of achieving a 6-year graduate rate of 55%.  The data show we have exceeded that goal.

The data in Table D shows the University has experienced notable increases in all but one of the last five years in the number of both undergraduate and graduate degrees earned each year. For disaggregated graduation rates including diversity of graduates, visit

First Destination Survey Data (undergraduate)

Graduating Class* # Students Surveyed Responses Response Rate Employed Service/Military Continuing Education Percent at work/school
2021 1372 396 29% 125 1 74 51 %
2020 665 247 37% 131 4 40 68%
2019 761 271 36% 110 0 54 61%
2018 446 161 36% 99 0 17 72%

*First-year out data for combined August, December, and May graduates per academic year Data for 2017-2018 is not considered complete at this time.

Through the combined efforts of the colleges and schools, the Career Center, and the Alumni Office, the University tracks employment and graduate school placement for students at the end of the first year following graduation. The University captures placement data at the point of graduation, and relies upon updates from alumni, which tend to trend upwards in the months following graduation. The current institutional goal is for alumni to achieve employment and graduate school placement rates at or above the level of above 60% within 24 months of graduation, and that target has already been achieved for the 2014-2015 academic year.


Type of Employment Placement By College

Data for the type of employment held after completing a degree is based on responses from the First Destination Survey.

College/School Part-time Employment Full-time Employment
College of Arts & Sciences 1 8
College of Business 1 22
College of Christian Studies 0 3
College of Education 3 32
College of Health Professions 1 24
School of Interior Design 0 3
School of Public Service and Administration 1 3
South Carolina School of the Arts 3 10