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Whitehead Co-authors Supply Chain Textbook

College of Business
The COVID-19 pandemic brought new awareness to the crucial role supply chain plays 24/7 in global business.

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Dr. Kim Whitehead, a professor in the Anderson University College of Business, has co-authored with Dr. Edmund Prater An Introduction to Global Supply Chain Management: What Every Manager Needs to Understand.

Supply chain concepts haven’t always been on everyone’s radar. The COVID-19 pandemic brought new awareness to the crucial role supply chain plays 24/7 in global business. Although most managers and executives are not chain experts, they must know and understand the key aspects of supply chain management to make the best daily decisions for their business.

Many textbooks cover numerous details and theories about supply chains. There’s a saying that goes something like “Everything that is taught in business school is theory…until you must make payroll.”

Both Dr. Whitehead and Dr. Prater have made payroll in various businesses they’ve been involved in. This textbook removes the details and is focused on an executive overview of the key aspects of global supply chains that every businessperson needs to know to continually succeed in their business and make payroll.

Dr. Prater is National Academies of Science Jefferson Fellow and Executive Director of the Veterans Business Outreach Center.

The book is published by Shroff Publishers. Details and ordering information are on their website.

Supply Chain book Whitehead

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