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AU News

Whitaker Conveys Class Rings in Spring Ceremony

February 27, 2018

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Anderson University Ring Ceremony

Traditions abound at Anderson University.

Freshmen passing through the arches and into a new family. Couples enjoying a spring day on the wooden swings outside Merritt. The pomp and circumstance of Founders Day.

But perhaps none are as rewarding as that moment a young man or woman crosses the stage at Henderson Auditorium, and reaches to accept from AU President Dr. Evans Whitaker a small wooden box.

In it, shiny and new, represents the culmination of years of hard work and dedication: an Anderson University ring. The oak leaf, the acorn and the cross. The symbols of a journey for knowledge.

This spring’s Ring Ceremony took place Tuesday, Feb. 27. After the prayers, the speeches and the singing of the alma mater, 110 members of the AU family put their ring on for the first time. (Eighteen others were unable to attend the ceremony.)

“Unless you are or have been a student, a parent or a friend or board member of Anderson University, you will never understand this ring and the symbolism it embodies for Anderson University,” Dr. Whitaker said.

Anderson University Ring Ceremony


Anderson University Ring Ceremony

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