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AU News

University Forms COVID-19 Task Force

March 1, 2020
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Anderson University President Evans P. Whitaker today formed the Anderson University COVID-19 Task Force.

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Our University medical professionals have been monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) closely.  Yet, the news concerning the Coronavirus is changing rapidly.


Dear Campus Family:

Our University medical professionals have been monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) closely.  Yet, the news concerning the Coronavirus is changing rapidly.

I have convened a task force to proactively monitor and address the situation as it relates to our campus, our people, and our activities.  Please know that the leadership team of Anderson University is working diligently to keep abreast of the changes and have appropriate contingency plans in place.

Please be assured that our priority is the health and well-being of students, faculty, staff, and contract employees (Aramark, Budd Group).

The task force is in communication with federal, state, and local health authorities, including the CDC – Centers for Disease Control (, the SCDHEC – South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (, and our local Anderson County Emergency Operations officials.

Since there is much misinformation beginning to circulate, we encourage students and their parents, faculty, staff, and contract employees to monitor updates from the CDC and SCDHEC websites.  The University will continue to update you and address the situation as necessary.

Going forward, please refer to Anderson University’s health advisory webpage, for the latest University updates.


Evans P. Whitaker, Ph.D.

News Release Contact

Executive Director for Public Relations