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AU News

Summer 2023 Synthesis is now Available

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Student-produced magazine tells stories of graduates, students and award-winning faculty of the Anderson University College of Arts and Science making an impact.

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The latest edition of Synthesis, the award-winning online magazine produced by students in the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences, is now online.

The Summer 2023 Synthesis highlights a partnership between Anderson University communication students and the city of Anderson to showcase the beauty and vitality of its downtown while providing them experience not only with industry standard video equipment but also soft skills essential to helping clients achieve their goals. In another article, public relations students created a campaign for a suicide prevention event, all the way from initial planning to running the actual event on the Anderson University campus and attracting media coverage.

Also featured is another exciting partnership where the university’s history and theatre departments came together to recreate what a play by a traveling theatre troupe in Medieval Europe might have been like. Another article “demystifies” the process behind creating a compelling mystery story. Readers will also learn about Anderson University’s literary and art journal Ivy Leaves, where after more than a century students continue to express themselves on the printed page.

The summer issue of Synthesis also features articles about helping students find the major that’s right for them and how to excel academically with the help of tutors and student success coaches. Then there’s the story of how a student’s research project helped solidify a career calling into child care ministry.

In another article, an Anderson University professor tells why she loves cheering on her students at their games and other extracurricular activities. Also, Spanish professors share how students learn to break through language barriers with real-world applications. Also featured is an article applauding a beloved associate campus minister after many years of serving and loving students with Jesus’ love.

Synthesis is produced by students in the Department of Communication’s Editing and Layout course, taught by Professor Robert Reeves.


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