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AU News

South Carolina School of the Arts Students Receive KCACTF Honors

February 16, 2023
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AU Theatre and Dance Chair, Dr. David Sollish (standing, left) and theatre students from the South Carolina School of the Arts at Anderson University saw regional productions, attended workshops, networked and competed in several events at the Region IV Kennedy Center College Theater Festival.

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Twenty-one Theatre students from the South Carolina School of the Arts at Anderson University participated in the Region IV Kennedy Center College Theater Festival, hosted by Georgia Southern University in February.  

According to Dr. David Sollish, Chair of the Department of Theatre and Dance and Associate Professor of Theatre, students spent the week seeing regional productions, going to workshops, networking, and competing in several events.  

Students received the following National KCACTF (The Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival) honors:

  • National KCACTF Stage Management Fellowship Award: Kaitlyn Crocker (Crocker will head to the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C. this April)
  • SETC/David Weiss Regional First place in Lighting Design: Jenna Grigsby
  • Region IV Lighting Design Honorable Mention: Abbigail Askew
  • Region IV Excellence in Make-Up Award: Evelyn Ruff
  • Jane Childs DTM Legacy Award: Morgan Burroughs, Alessa Gibbons and Maegan Moesher
  •  Don Childs DTM Cross Collaboration Award: Kaitlyn Crocker, Regan Densmore, Jenna Grigsby, Abigail Larsen and Madison Walker
  • Region IV Allied Design and Technology Honorable Mention: Madison Walker
  • Musical Theatre Initiative Semi-Finalists: Nathanael Browne, Evelyn Ruff and Adeline Wiggins
  • Musical Theatre Initiative Finalist: Evelyn Ruff
  • Musical Theatre Initiative Third Place Performance: Evelyn Ruff
  • Invited Scene from Bright Star, performed by Adeline Wiggins and Nathanael Browne
  • 10 Minute Play Actor: Liam Brenzel

Started in 1969 by Kennedy Center founding chairman, Roger L. Stevens, the Kennedy Center American College Theater is a national theater program involving 18,000 students from colleges and universities nationwide which has served as a catalyst in improving the quality of college theater in the United States. The KCACTF has grown into a network of more than 600 academic institutions throughout the country, where theater departments and student artists showcase their work and receive outside assessment by KCACTF respondents.

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