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President Whitaker Appointed to Policy Think Tank Board of Trustees

August 5, 2021
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President Whitaker is the newest member of the Washington, D.C.-based Committee for Economic Development's Board of Trustees.

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Evans P. Whitaker, Ph.D., president of Anderson University, has been appointed a trustee of the Washington, DC-based Committee for Economic Development (CED), a policy institute of the Conference Board. CED trustees work with researchers in the development of national policy analyses and recommendations.

Founded in 1942 to help the U.S. economy transition from a wartime to a peacetime economy, CED is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, business-led public policy organization of the Conference Board. CED Trustees consist primarily of senior corporate executives from a range of U. S. industries and sectors. It’s stated aims are to sustain and promote free enterprise, improve education and healthcare, reform campaign finance, enhance corporate governance, and improve the fiscal health of the United States. It produces objective, fact-based nonpartisan research and policy recommendations to promote policies its trustees will foster economic growth and development to benefit all Americans.

The organization’s work is based on seven core principles: sustainable capitalism, long-term economic growth, efficient fiscal and regulatory policy, competitive and open markets, a globally competitive workforce, equal economic opportunity, and non-partisanship in the nation’s interest.

Whitaker has been president of Anderson University since 2002. During this time, Anderson has been recognized among the top 16 fastest growing regional universities in America while simultaneously increasing admission requirements, making it one of South Carolina’s more academically selective universities. Anderson is South Carolina’s largest private university and is recognized by the Greenville Business Magazine among the top five employers in the state. Whitaker holds a Ph.D. in education and human development from Vanderbilt University. Focusing his research on organizational science, he is also a professor of management and consults with organizations on growth, change, continuous improvement, and corporate culture.

The Conference Board, Inc. is a nonprofit business membership and research group organization. It counts over 1,000 public and private corporations and other organizations as members, encompassing 60 countries. The Conference Board convenes conferences and peer-learning groups, conducts economic news business management research, and publishes several widely tracked economic indicators.

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