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AU News

Journey Ahead Update: We Need Your Help

September 16, 2020
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Please read this Journey Ahead message in its entirety.

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Anderson University is noticing some behavioral trends that demand immediate attention of the entire campus community. We are seeing a noticeable increase in students testing positive for COVID-19 following the Labor Day holiday and other social gatherings taking place off campus.

Here’s what you need to know:

Students seeking a COVID-19 test should notify Thrive Wellness Center at 864-622-6078 as soon as possible. It is absolutely imperative the University is aware of all students who may have COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with another person who has tested positive so that it can take the appropriate steps to limit its spread and keep everyone healthy. 

Failure to follow the Journey Ahead protocols is a serious offense and a violation of our student code of conduct. Even more, not following protocols, or failing to accurately disclose crucial information, jeopardizes student health, potentially promotes the spread of the virus and could cause the University to suspend in-person classes and operations. 

As you likely know, many institutions have implemented disciplinary sanctions and even fines. To date, we have resisted such measures and do not want to implement them now. That will not be the case if trends are not reversed. 

Specifically, some students have failed to timely disclose COVID-19 symptoms. Others have not been forthcoming about close contact with someone awaiting a COVID-19 test result, or those found to actually be positive for the virus. This is an unacceptable breach of our protocols, and puts our entire campus community at serious risk. 

The most important thing you can do to protect our campus is 

  • maintain six-foot physical distance from others at all times even if you are wearing a mask or face covering. Staying six feet away will most likely eliminate the need for quarantine);
  • wear a mask or face covering; and
  • stay away from campus if you might be sick, and call Thrive Wellness Center at 864-622-6078.

As mentioned in our last message, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and demonstrate care for others by caring for ourselves. 

News Release Contact

Executive Director for Public Relations