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Clamp Divinity to Launch Ph.D. in Preaching Fall 2022

December 14, 2021
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The new degree will advance theoretical and practical knowledge enabling students to read, write and teach homiletics more effectively.

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Anderson University’s Clamp Divinity School has announced plans to launch a Doctor of Philosophy in Preaching degree program beginning in the Fall semester 2022.

The purpose of the Ph.D. in Preaching is to advance theoretical and practical knowledge that will position students to lead, write and teach more effectively in the field of homiletics. The University received authorization for the degree from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) in November and plans to begin accepting applications for the program in January.

“We are excited to offer this significant degree program, which we believe will be a service to the church as well as to the academy,” explains Michael Duduit, Dean of Clamp Divinity School. “Clamp is uniquely positioned to offer an advanced degree in preaching, particularly with having five faculty members whose degrees are in that field. From that standpoint, we may have a stronger foundation than most seminaries in America.”

Duduit also points out that Clamp Divinity School publishes Preaching magazine and sponsors the annual National Conference on Preaching, providing further resources for those doing advanced study in the field. The School also produces a podcast on preaching, and Duduit produces a weekly email newsletter, PreachingNow, which goes to approximately 8,000 subscribers.

The Ph.D. in Preaching will be a 48-hour professionally-based research degree program which includes seminars in three major areas:  Preaching and Scripture, Preaching and the Life of the Church, and Historical and Theological Considerations for Preaching. The degree will also require a dissertation representing significant original research in some area of homiletics (the formal study of preaching). The program may be completed fully online, but the university will offer a limited number of optional on-campus one-week intensive courses.  

Oversight of the program will be provided by Kris Barnett, the Clamp School’s Associate Dean. Barnett holds a Ph.D. in Preaching from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Additional oversight will be provided by an advisory board comprised of ministry leaders holding a terminal degree in the field. 

Clamp Divinity School – which is part of the University’s College of Christian Studies – currently offers a Master of Divinity, Master of Ministry, Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies, and a Master of Ministry Management, along with Doctor of Ministry degrees in Biblical Preaching and 21st Century Ministry. Clamp Divinity School also works in partnership with the College of Business to provide a Ph.D. in Leadership. Clamp was the first college at Anderson University to offer degrees at the doctoral level.

Additional information on the program is available at or by calling the College of Christian Studies at 864-328-1809. 

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