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AU News

AU to host conference to help teens discover their calling

August 1, 2017

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AU and the South Carolina Baptist Convention are sponsoring “The Call,” a one-day conference designed to help high school and college students explore God’s call on their lives. The conference is scheduled for Saturday, August 26, on the AU campus.

Interim Senior Pastor at NewSpring Church Clayton King and The Church at Cherrydale pastor, Matt Rogers, will be the featured speakers at the event. In addition to serving at NewSpring Church in Anderson, King is President of Clayton King Ministries, which sponsors summer camps, student conferences, and leadership and coaching networks. Rogers founded The Church at Cherrydale in Greenville in 2009.

In addition to King and Rogers, a variety of workshops will be offered during the day, relating to various areas of exploring the participants’ life purpose and/or possible vocation, what the hosts refer to as “God’s calling.” The workshop leaders will include: Keith Shorter, Pastor of Mt Airy Baptist Church in Powdersville and President of the SC Baptist Convention; Jay Hardwick, Church Planting Team Leader for SBC; Mark Aderholt, Associate Executive Director and Chief Strategist for the SCBC; Evan Dickson, Minister to Children at Concord Baptist Church in Anderson; and more than a dozen Anderson University faculty.

“While the primary focus of the event will be helping students explore ways God may be calling them to serve in ministry and missions roles, there will also be sessions devoted to helping them see how God can use them in other vocational areas,” explains Dr. Michael Duduit, Dean of AU’s College of Christian Studies and the conference director.

Registration cost is $10 per student, which includes a conference t-shirt and lunch. Registration is available through the conference website ( or by calling the university’s College of Christian Studies at 864-328-1809. Media are invited to call Dr. Duduit at 864-328-1809 or email him at

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