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Art + Design Recognized in International Competition

TDK Award winners le Roux, Anspach and Speaker
An international design competition named an Anderson University student and two faculty members as among the best in the world. Pictured from left is student Elizabeth Knox “Knoxie” le Roux, Professor Luke Anspach and Professor Tim Speaker.

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February 1 was an exciting day for the Department of Art + Design in the South Carolina School of the Arts at Anderson University. 

The TDK (The Design Kids) Awards in an international design competition that selects the 30 Best Student Design Portfolios in the world, chosen by an internationally renowned panel of judges. 

Receiving the 2024 TDK Graphic Design Award was Senior Elizabeth Knox “Knoxie” le Roux.

In describing le Roux’s portfolio, famous and respected graphic designer Amy Hood, co-director of Hoodzpah Studio in Los Angeles, wrote, “There’s a real dichotomy to Knoxie’s work: the overall restraint and control of each project is offset by one element that pushes the boundaries of the project genre. Each project shows a grasp of the core audience and delivers something that works commercially but still pushes the limits a bit to keep you looking.”

Le Roux is grateful to be a part of the Art + Design program in the South Carolina School of the Arts. 

“It’s been a big part of my journey as a designer,” she said. “I’m grateful for Anspach, Speaker and all of the other professors who just care for their students and have gone above and beyond to nurture my love for design.” 

In addition to this latest honor, le Roux won Gold in the national ADDY Awards in the summer of 2023 for her Bonhaus package design.

Also recognized were Assistant Professor of Art Luke Anspach and Associate Professor of Art Tim Speaker; they were both selected as Top 30 Design Lecturers in the world, as voted on by TDK. 

“We did not ‘apply’ to this, nor knew it was happening until we received emails from TDK asking for our information to be included in promotional materials,” Speaker said. “A wonderful honor, and a good boost of morale today.”

South Carolina School of the Arts Dean Dr. David Larson praised le Roux for her award. He also congratulated Anspach and Speaker, saying “Along with Professor Herb Peterson, Tim and Luke are actively transforming our Graphic Design Program into the premiere program reflected by these amazing awards.”

All of the TDK awards are on their website and le Roux’s portfolio is viewable here

TDK (The Design Kids) is a global online resource and local offline communities around the world, for thousands of student and graduate graphic designers whose aim is to educate, inspire and connect creative individuals to the design industry.

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