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Anderson Memorabilia Presentation Part of Arts and Sciences Showcase

More than a century of Anderson Memorabilia was part of the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences Showcase December 5.

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Literary Theory and Research (ENG 303) students have been exploring more than a century of Anderson University history and presented glimpses of the past during the Anderson University College of Arts and Sciences Showcase December 5, 2023. 

According to Associate Professor of English Dr. Katherine Wyma, who teaches the course, the research is helping students learn more about research processes that will help them become more competitive in graduate school or a future career; also to aid in the cataloging of thousands of items found in the university’s archives.

Dr. Wyma has been coordinating plans for a display in the lobby of Watkins Hall, along with Research and Instruction Archivist Kenzie Barnett of Thrift Library at Anderson University.

Items on exhibit highlighted various aspects of Anderson University history, including an old wooden shepherd’s crook, part of a more than century old Anderson tradition; and a display about student life over the years. Also on display was “Play Around the World: A Study on Regional and Temporal Differences in Children’s Toys,” featuring items gifted to the university by international students.

“The best way to engage people is to make history tangible for them,” Barnett said. “A lot of people think history is a really boring subject, so having that physical evidence of ‘here’s what students just like you wrote about’ that would be amazing.”

Showcase: An Event for Student Scholars, featured 64 students presenting on a variety of topics in three poster sessions, interactive exhibits and research talks. Organized by Associate Professor of Psychology Dr. Robert Franklin, Showcase took place at Watkins Hall on the Anderson University campus.


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