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FAQs: How COVID-19 is changing AU operations

The health, safety and well-being of Anderson University faculty, staff and students is the University’s top priority. 

President Whitaker announced on March 11 the University is suspending all undergraduate seated and hybrid classes for the week beginning Monday, March 16, as a result of the ongoing spread of COVID-19 throughout the United States. 

The following FAQs have been designed to provide additional information regarding topics that may be of concern to students. It will be updated as needed. 


Is it really necessary to transition to an online learning environment at this time? 

Unfortunately, it is not possible to isolate the campus, and we have limited ability to have control over our environment when students or others leave campus. The strategy we’ve outlined focuses on social distancing in order to prevent a local or regional surge in cases and preserve critical medical services. Due to shared facilities, including residence halls, bathrooms, dining facilities, and classrooms, college environments are not ideal places for social distancing. Avoiding gatherings, classes, and meetings, ideally before there is a known case on campus, allows for the strongest level of social distancing.

How will Anderson University’s online education environment work? 

On March 11, the University suspended all undergraduate seated and hybrid classes for the week beginning Monday, March 16, as a result of the ongoing spread of COVID-19 throughout the United States. Online classes already scheduled continued as normal, including during the week of March 16.

The week of March 16th-22nd was essentially an extension of Spring Break. This time was utilized by the campus to transition to an online learning environment.

Beginning Monday, March 23, all courses converted to online learning environments for the duration of the semester.

How will courses be taught beginning March 23? 

All online courses – undergraduate and graduate – continued as planned and as scheduled. Beginning on March 23, for at least one week and perhaps longer, undergraduate seated and hybrid courses converted to online delivery. Faculty have a wide variety of online teaching tools, supported by the University’s Center for Innovation and Digital Learning. 

How will the suspension of normal University operations affect my CEP and Journey (Campus Worship) credits?

We are waiving CEP and Journey (Campus Worship) credits for May 2020 graduates, who will graduate in good standing provided all other degree requirements are completed successfully. All other students will be given a credit of three (3) CEP credits. All students regardless of grade classification will receive the required eight (8) Journey (Campus Worship) credits for the spring 2020 semester.

Are athletic events canceled?

Yes. All athletic events are canceled

Will I be able to access the library and other academic spaces?

All academic buildings, including Thrift Library, are currently closed to students.

Is Anderson University still hosting campus visits and events for prospective students?

Yes! We have a number of unique visit opportunities available for students and their families. To learn more about scheduling a visit in the future, please contact the Office of Traditional Admission at (864) 231-5780 or check out our visit page here.

Will there be any activities happening on campus?

No, all campus activities are postponed or canceled until further notice. 

Will the Campus Recreation areas be open?

No, the Fitness Center and the Athletic campus gym are closed until further notice.  

Is Thrive Wellness still seeing students?

The Thrive Wellness Health Services will be working regularly scheduled hours Monday-Friday.  Beginning March 16, students will be seen on an appointment basis.  Students can schedule  online, phone or email for an appointment.

Is Thrive Counseling available? 

Yes, counseling is available. Students can email Thrive Wellness  for an appointment.  

When is the new date for Spring Commencement excercises? Has that decision been made?

Commencement to celebrate the Class of 2020 is planned for Friday, Oct. 2, at 10 a.m. Additional details will be provided via email, including serveral options for how you can receive your diploma.