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Stanley Paul

College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Physics
(864) 231-5712
Academic Background

PhD, Nanyang Technolgical University (Singapore)

MS, Bharathiar University (India)

BS, Madurai Kamaraj University (India)

Fast Facts

We encounter physics in our everyday lives. My classes foster an awareness of the natural laws of physics and how it applies to the world around us. I use class participation and small group learning, utilizing a system in which students learn by not only watching and taking notes, but assisting and teaching their classmates as well.

General Physics and Astronomy

At AU I am blessed with the opportunity to not only impart knowledge but also to share my faith with the students. As educators at a Christian university we have the unique opportunity to teach scientific subjects, through the lens of our faith in Jesus.

Studying physics gives students an opportunity to develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills and equips them to work in the fields of engineering, academia, research and medicine. Even if you don’t plan on pursuing a physics specific career, the problem solving and critical thinking skills you develop in my class will translate to your choice of career.

Not only are the faculty, staff and students at AU are very friendly and welcoming, I have also found the students to be dedicated and well motivated. A beautiful campus and amazing facilities are just an added bonus to the great people my family and I have gotten to meet here.

Sergey I. Kudryashov, Stanley Paul, Kevin Lyon, and Susan D. Allen, “Dynamics of laser-induced surface phase explosion in silicon,” Applied Physics Letters, 98,254102 (2011)

Stanley Paul, S. I. Kudryashov, K. Lyon, and S. D. Allen, “Nanosecond-laser plasma-assisted ultradeep microdrilling of optically opaque and transparent solids,” J.Appl. Phys. 101, 043106–1–8 (2007)

P. Stanley, K. Venkatakrishnan, L.E.N. Lim and B. K. A. Ngoi, “Influence of femtosecond laser parameters on fabrication of photo mask by direct ablation”, Lasers in Engineering, Vol.13, pp.13-23 (2003).

P. Stanley, K. Venkatakrishnan and L. E. N. Lim, “Direct writing of photo mask by ultra short laser” Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, v 21, January/February, pp. 204-206 (2003).

Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

We encounter physics in our everyday lives. My classes foster an awareness of the natural laws of physics and how it applies to the world around us. I use class participation and small group learning, utilizing a system in which students learn by not only watching and taking notes, but assisting and teaching their classmates as well.




(864) 231-5712