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Lisa Zidek

College of Engineering
College of Engineering
Dean of the College of Engineering
(864) 231-2470
Academic Background


Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

You do not have the opportunity to sit and be a passive learner in my classes. My goal is to have every student actively involved in the learning process and for all of us in the room to learn together.




(864) 231-2470

Fast Facts

The Engineers’ Creed includes a promise to place service before profit, honor and professional standing before personal advantage and public welfare before all other considerations. Prior to the 2021 revision the creed included the following “In humility and with need for Divine Guidance, I make this pledge”. Teaching at AU allows us to prepare engineers with the technical skills required to develop innovative solutions to societal challenges founded in the knowledge acquired through the liberal arts and centered around Christian values.

Engineering is so much more than math and science. When you look at your surrounds, everything has been influenced by an engineer. The applications are endless,

Everyone has been welcoming and helpful. I also value the sincere interest in helping students succeed.

Zidek, L., Kauanui, S. K., & Haytko, D. L. (2012). Cross-level, cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural collaborations in action: A public service educational initiative integrating health, engineering and entrepreneurship. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16(1), 107.

Csavina, K. R., & Zidek, L. (2011). A Guatemalan Immersion for Teaching Engineering Design Principles to U. S. High School Students. In American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education.

Zidek, L. A. (2010). Using peer review to improve and assess writing. Journal of Applications and Practices in Engineering Education, 1(2).

Blanchard, S., O’neill, R., Sweeney, J., Zidek, L., Komisar, S., & Stoppiello, D. (2010). Re-inventing engineering education one new school at a time. In American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education.

Zidek, L. (2009). Service Learning as a Prerequisite to Engineering Entrepreneurship. In American Society for Engineering Education. American Society for Engineering Education.

Yazici, H. J., Zidek, L. A., & Hill, H. S. (2020). A Study of Critical Thinking and Cross-Disciplinary Teamwork in Engineering Education. In Women in Industrial and Systems Engineering (pp. 185-196). Springer, Cham.

Zidek, L. (2012). Service‐Learning and Entrepreneurship for Engineers. Service‐Learning in the Computer and Information Sciences: Practical Applications in Engineering Education, 213-242.

Zidek, L., & Kauanui, S. K. (2014, October). Cross-disciplinary collaboration in entrepreneurship: Engineering and business students really can work together. In 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE) Proceedings (pp. 1-4). IEEE.
Madrid, Spain, October 2014.

Kunberger, T., Csavina, K., & Zidek, L. (2013). Engineering Summer Camp for High School Students from Underserved Communities. In 2013 ASEE Southeast Section Conference.
Cookeville, Tennessee, March 2013.