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James Howard Murphy

Associate Professor of Homeland Security & Emergency Services

Bachelor of Arts, Carson-Newman University
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare Administration, City University of Seattle
Master of Strategic Studies in International Relations and National Security Studies, Army War College
Doctor of Philosophy in Organizational Leadership, Piedmont International University
Phone Number:
(803) 979-9911 (Primary) or (864) 760-1470 (Alternate)

Howard spent nearly three decades serving within the U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve. He points out the numerous opportunities to serve God through the ministry of emergency management and homeland security.

Homeland Security, Emergency Services Management, Criminal Justice, as well as students of other disciplines benefit from “practitioner-academicians” or “pracademics” in the classroom, whether in seated classes or in on-line classes. A pracademic is a beggar who has found a piece of bread and who is willing to share. My “bread” includes over 35 years in emergency services management, over 28 years in emergency management, over 33 years in the military, and over 23 years in homeland security and national security. It seems the best thing to be done with the experience, training, and education God has blessed me with over the decades is to share with students not only theories, but also best practices and lessons learned I have accumulated over the decades in service in order to assist them in their current and/or future service.