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Heather Caldwell

College of Health Professions
College of Health Professions
Lecturer of Nursing
(864) 328-1458
Academic Background

M.S in Nursing Education

B.S in Nursing

Fast Facts

Pharmacology is a challenging course in that it is very content heavy. I try to incorporate active learning strategies and flipped classroom activities to engage students and develop critical thinking skills.

Pharmacology II, Pharmacology for Practicing Nurses, Issues in Professional Nursing, Adult Health clinical, Health Assessment lab

I have a passion for educating our future nurses and proud to do so in an institution that embraces the Christian faith. It is an honor and joy for me to share my love for the nursing profession to our students.

The community of faculty and staff here at AU are absolutely amazing. I couldn’t ask for a better workplace.

Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

Pharmacology is a challenging course in that it is very content heavy. I try to incorporate active learning strategies and flipped classroom activities to engage students and develop critical thinking skills.




(864) 328-1458