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Daniel Kirkpatrick

The South Carolina School of the Arts
The South Carolina School of the Arts
Part-Time Instructor, Percussion
Academic Background

MM, Timpani Performance – University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee

BM Percussion Performance, minor in Music Theory – University of North Texas


Fast Facts

In Percussion Methods, I’ll teach you everything I can about percussion in one semester! In Percussion Ensemble, I will teach you to work without a conductor and rely on your fellow musicians. In lessons, everything is tailored with work with your individual strengths and weaknesses.

Percussion Methods, Percussion Ensemble, Applied Lessons

The students are wonderful people!

Hard work is expected and needed to succeed. However, just as is important is human networking – who you know may land you a job!

Designed and built a tuning mechanism for timpani, re(built) a timpani.

“Goodman Versus Duff – A Comparison of Two 20th-Century Timpanists.”

“Percussive Notes – The journal of the Percussive Arts Society Vol. 47, No. 2, (April, 2009). (”

Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

In Percussion Methods, I'll teach you everything I can about percussion in one semester! In Percussion Ensemble, I will teach you to work without a conductor and rely on your fellow musicians. In lessons, everything is tailored with work with your individual strengths and weaknesses.

