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Cindy Baughan 1

Cynthia Baughan

College of Education
College of Education
Associate Dean of the College of Education
Academic Background

Ph.D. from Clemson University

M.Ed. from Clemson University

B.S. from Bob Jones University



Fast Facts

I believe my classes are characterized by mutual respect; a place that values different perspectives, encourages open inquiry and discussion, and includes instructional approaches that guide students to create connections between conceptual knowledge and authentic, meaningful experiences. Students in past courses have commented they appreciate that I am clearly passionate about and love what I do.

Teaching at Anderson University allows me the opportunity to integrate my Christian faith into my academic discipline through my personal interactions with students and colleagues, and through overt connections between topics in education and biblical principles.

I am new to the University starting this coming fall, but have enjoyed the hospitable welcome I have received.

Algozzine, B., Anderson, K., & Baughan, C.C. (2016). Meeting student needs in an inclusive environment: Waiting for the change. In J. P. Bakken, & F. E. Obiakor, (Eds.), General and special education inclusion in an age of change: Roles of professionals involved (pp. 119-136). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. doi: 10.1108/S0270-401320160000032008

Correa, V.I., McHatton, P., McCray, E., & Baughan, C.C. (2014). Preparing teachers to work with diverse populations. In Sindelar, P.T., McCray, E.D., Brownell, M.T., & Lignugaris/Kraft, B. Handbook of Research on Special Education Teacher Preparation (pp. 194-214). New York: Routledge.

Barbee, E., Correa, V.I., & Baughan, C. C. (2016). Military families: Understanding the effects of deployment on military families: Implications for Early Childhood Practitioners. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 44, 4-11.

Losinski, M., Katsiyannis, A., Ryan, J.B., & Baughan, C. (2014). Weapons in schools and zero tolerance:Implications for special educators. NASSP Bulliten, 98(1). DOI 10.1177/0192636514528747

Correa, V.I., Baughan, C.C., Fries, K., Thompson, M., & Algozzine, B. (2013). Evaluation of the effects of Read it Once Again across Two Groups of Students. National Head Start Association Journal (NHSA)Dialog,16(4), 30-47.

Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

I believe my classes are characterized by mutual respect; a place that values different perspectives, encourages open inquiry and discussion, and includes instructional approaches that guide students to create connections between conceptual knowledge and authentic, meaningful experiences. Students in past courses have commented they appreciate that I am clearly passionate about and love what I do.

