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Anthony Thomas Catio

Center for Leadership and Organizations
Center for Leadership and Organizations
Associate Professor of Leadership & Organizations
Academic Background

PhD, University of Southern Mississippi

MA, Biola University

BA, Cornerstone University

Teaching at AU

What year did you start teacing at AU?


How would you describe your classes to someone who has never attended one?

An innovative, trust-building, objective, process-oriented, and contribution-driven learning environment. A Socratic Constructivist learning model where we break down ideas together and build them back up together.



Fast Facts

An innovative, trust-building, objective, process-oriented, and contribution-driven learning environment. A Socratic Constructivist learning model where we break down ideas together and build them back up together.

Introduction to Research Methods for PhD Students
Theory and Practice of Organizational Development & Change
Power, Politics & Influence
Dissertation I, II, and III

The proof’s in the pudding. The foresight, competency, and mission focus of AU’s leadership is evident in its ability to grow the Center for Leadership & Organizations (CLO) from 0 to 100+ students in several years. A Christian institution of higher education where I can be my full Christian self in the classroom and that can grow a program like that is a place where I want to teach.

God designs human choice to be bounded by institutions, trust, power, and capital. Successful Christian leaders are sensitive to these dynamic and interacting factors and align them strategically and ethically to their mission. Live out this prayer and you will be more likely to take appropriate responsibility and less likely to burn out.

God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.

Reinhold Niebuhr (1926)

Jeffersonian Seminar Fellow, The Jack Miller Center, 2015
Designed and built the Corban University disc golf course, 2014
Designed and built the Messiah College disc golf course, 2011
United Nations Temporary Advisor, 2006
Nominee, Lausanne Young Leaders Conference, 2006
Crowell Foundation Award for excellence in developing world innovative research (GMI), 2002

My Ph.D. students are sold on the Center for Leadership & Organizations mission to prepare them for vocational success. A teacher’s highest joy is a motivated student. I have them in spades.

Caito, Anthony. “Navigating Multidisciplinary Demands to Produce an Interdisciplinary Mixed-Methods Research,” SAGE Research Methods Cases (2019) DOI:

Caito, Anthony. “Determinants of the Generalized Trust Radius in Scripted Fragile sub-Saharan African States.” PhD diss. University of Southern Mississippi, 2018.

Caito, Anthony T. “Shiva – Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply: A Decade Later,” Agriculture and Human Values, Vol. 29, Issue 3 (2012), Pp. 433-433. 10.1007/s10460-012-9388-4.