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Academic Honors Convocation

Event Details:

Honors Convocation is a special event promoting sustained excellence, distinguished accomplishment and outstanding achievement in academic programs across Anderson University.

The focal point of Honors Convocation is the annual recognition of some of our most outstanding students, including those in the following groups:

  • Academic award recipients, recognizing outstanding student achievement in each of our Colleges and Schools
  • Undergraduate Center for Cancer Research Scholars and Foothills Writers Guild award winners
  • Members of the senior class who have successfully completed the Honors Program curriculum requirements
  • Selected members of the junior class who will serve as our Graduation Marshals
  • Members of the senior class belonging to our Academic Honors Societies

Additionally, Anderson University recognizes the winner of the “C. F. Reames Distinguished Teacher” Award, given by the College of Education and Ms. Caroline Tolbert, the daughter of the late Professor Reames.

Since 1982, each spring the Student Government Association names three “Second Mile” Award recipients, one each from our faculty, staff, and contract services personnel.

Academic Honors Convocation will be streamed this year.  Please use the link below to access the live stream at the time of the event.

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April 14, 2021
10:10 AM